This form explains how and why we collect and use personal Information and seeks your consent to certain collections and usos of that Information. The main purpose for collecting and using your Information is to provide you with the best possible health care. We must also comply with laws that require us to collect or disclose personal information about you. We wlll tell you about those legal requirements at the time that we collect the Information. Other uses and disclosure, of personal Information are set out below. Please tick If you agree to your
information being used In the following ways:
We may hold any of the following information about you
• Name
• Address (home and malling)
• Phone numbers (home, work, mobile)
• Email address
• Health Information
• Transactions details associated with services provided to you
• Any additional Information provided to us by you
• Any Information you provided to us through patient surveys
We use the personal information about you
• To assist In providing medical treatment and care to you, including ordering tests and communicating with other professionals Involved In your treatment
• To assist with any correspondence you have with us
• To assist with our internal administrative requirements
• To process private health fund claims or claims on government agencies
• To conduct quality reviews and clinical audits
• To provide information to Medical Practitioners, Allied Health Professionals and other health care facilities who provide necessary follow up treatments and ongoing care.
Has there ever been a time when you were not your usual self and...